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We commit to deliver our 10 PRINCIPLES of growth as part of a psychologically informed coaching and development programme.

Pride & Humility
At Veritas Coaching, we do not shy away from enhancing confidence and pride in your achievements. By taking time to reflect on your accomplishments so far. Whilst also nurturing your ambition and humility around the areas of growth needed to achieve your future goals.

Natural Order
In our world systems there are often polarities and contradictions. When working with Veritas Coaching, you will be supported to observe and process any confusion that may become triggered in these complex systems to find your own individual place in the world. By finding a conscious position between acceptance and challenge.

You will be supported to observe your mind and body as a pluralistic entity full of unconscious wisdom, impulse and meaning. We will support making conscious the different aspects of the self and body to better determine your identity in the world, knowing that you are not limited to one dimension of awareness, but instead multiple.

Organisation & Self Discipline
With Veritas stay focused and organised through disentangling from critical belief systems that drain your energy and diminish focus and productivity.
You do not have to bully yourself to achieve focus and motivation. Instead the task of growth is about updating outdated belief systems that trigger shame and blame. And replace them with nurturing progressive guidance.
You do not have to bully yourself to achieve focus and motivation. Instead the task of growth is about updating outdated belief systems that trigger shame and blame. And replace them with nurturing progressive guidance.

Deep Dive
Veritas means truth. In your coaching sessions we will deep dive into the imaginal world of your psyche through visualisation and presence in your body. Supporting you to learn about how to enhance and enrich your wellbeing and lifestyle from the inside out. Harvesting from truth to create self-direction.

One Step at a Time
Any starting point is welcome when engaging with Veritas. We will help you piece together your growth journey step by step. Whilst integrating your strengths, alongside your weaknesses. We work together to build the bigger picture and bring creative insight to your options to affect change and growth in a sustainable rhythm.

Soulful Enquiry
When considering the soul, Veritas is inviting you to consider a intrinsic interconnectivity to choice, past, future, the environment, space, nature. Whether you wish to explore professional or personal themes, the sense you have of your being in a much larger cosmos permeates into your everyday life. In this space we can expect to find polarities and tension, as your inner being faces life challenges and steps forward into living.

Body Work
It is essential that we integrate your body and it’s experience of the world into your coaching. Your body is a hub of wisdom and has the potential for your to create self-generative trance, regulation, creation and insight. Veritas adopts a neurobiological focus bringing the brain and body chemistry into awareness and unison. We will explore well-being, posture, voice projection, nervous system regulation, facial expression and the intrinsic story your body is holding. Being in the body, for those who are new to it, will be a gradual and gentle process learning how to intuitive resonance with the language of your physical sensations and impulses.

Name the Power
Power dynamics have the potential to liberate systems when named and actioned progressively. When power is not named or acted onto others in aggression then the system switches into survival mode and becomes systematically flattened in its ability for optimal evolution and growth. In this theme we will also consider the role of submission in relationships and when and where either power or submission has its service.

The key in making a successful commitment is working with reality principles such as time, pace, energy, other competing commitments, avoidance and time lines. Alongside the practical reality principles we will also determine what supports you internally and externally to make a commitment to yourself or an external influence. What it would mean to truly commit to yourself and allow that to generate wellbeing expanding outwards into other areas in life, whilst becoming aware of the creative adjustments that may be needed to remain committed to your goal or task.
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